domenica 29 giugno 2014

Words from our students

Words from our students - Parole dai nostri studenti

Here are some excerpts from the essays written by our students after the Comenius experience. Read "this experience changed my life" ...really moving and boosting us with positive energies for the continuation of the project!

giovedì 12 giugno 2014

Comenius project on local newspaper

We are all celebrities as the local newspapaer "Il Mattino" issued an article on our project. Bravo to the "De Nicola"! And of course to all the people who worked hard on the project...

Visitors from Holland

On the first week of June a group of Dutch students visited us in Piove di Sacco. We had a lot of wonderful activities, explored the region, learnt many things and also had so much fun.
Here is the group and ... see how nice are the teachers as well!

See below a picture of the students using chalks in the town's main square for celebrating how great the Comenius experience is!!

We also had an exciting boat trip on the biggest italian river: the Po.

You can check the week timetable here:

Visit to Belgium

. . . Unforgettable!!!

Our European week in Brugge was really UNFORGETTABLE!
I can't think about any other adjective to sum up better our experience in Belgium.
Together with students  from Germany, France, Poland and Hungary
we were involved in lots of exciting, amusing and educational activities.

  •      experienced the magic of the Middle Ages in the Historium and in the Groeninge museums
  •       had fun in the Theatre Workshop
  •      spent an enjoyable afternoon discovering the city centre
  •      listened to a very interesting explanation about Medieval books in the public library and tried Medieval handwriting
  •       visited the Concertgebouw (Concert Hall)
  •      enjoyed the chocolate workshop
  •      tested our ability in the adventure trail
  •      participated with enthusiasm in the sports day and enjoyed the barbecue
  •      swam, played and relaxed in Aqua Fun
  •      did fencing and waved flags
  •      performed music with the European students' percussion band  in front of the City Hall
  • ..  and had lots of other experiences

Italian students really enjoyed their stay and they found a lot of new friends.
We shared fun and laughs  but also tears at the end of our week.
We wish we were still there!
A big THANK YOU to you all:
  • to the tireless Belgian and Italian coordinators bc everything was perfect
  • to the teachers for their helpfulness and passion
  • to all the families for their generosity and kindness
  • to the wonderful students

for their happiness, energy and cooperation


Visit to Hungary

Look what a nice group of students visiting Budapest!

Visit to France

The diary of the trip was the following :

Friday May 2, 2014 : Arrival in Hondschoote at 11.00 in the evening after a trip to Italy with a stop in Ostenburken (Germany). The students have complained , as expected, a bit 'tired but overcome by enthusiasm for the start of the adventure. The boys were taken and placed in host families ;

Saturday, May 3, 2014 : The students spent the day with their families who have taken steps to organize excursions and / or activities. Carers have visited the city of Dunkerque ;

Sunday, May 4, 2014 : The students spent the day with their families who have taken steps to organize excursions and / or activities. Carers have visited the city of Ypres and the marine area of La Panne in Belgium;

Monday, May 5, 2014 : The group reached the town of Bergues , where he was visiting the Bell Tower from which you can admire the view of the surrounding countryside . The host school has provided a limited budget of money whose purpose was to provide for the purchase , in the market town of products that would be needed for the picnic which was held in the town of Cassel , where in the afternoon you visited the Museum of works of Art .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 : The group reached the nearby Great Britain via the Channel Tunnel which celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the inauguration . The experience was certainly seen as an opportunity not to be overlooked . The trip continued with a visit to the city of Canterbury with its famous Cathedral where Italian students have followed closely, including through targeted questions , the explanation , in English, by the tour guide. In the afternoon, the group has moved into the village typically English style of Rye.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 : The group has found a school where the questionnaires were administered by the French school on the theme of the project; after the students have learned , followed by four teachers, group dances with music by local folk . In the afternoon, the group visited the marina area of La Panne in Belgium where, despite a strong wind , have characterized the excursion with the theme of happiness . The evening was dedicated to students with music and dance groups.

Thursday, May 8, 2014 : In view of the national holiday in France to the armistice , the group has participated in the parade through the streets of the country and has witnessed the greeting from the mayor of the city which he praised the activities of the project. Subsequently the results of the analysis on the topic of the project have been brought to the knowledge of the other partners and host families with great success . The afternoon was spent in the families and carers have visited the city of Brugge ( Belgium)

Friday, May 9, 2014 : the tour was planned as the theme of Europe. The group reached the city of Brussels, where in the morning visited the interesting theme park Mini Europe with a local guide . In the afternoon, the group reached the center of Brussels where, after a visit to the city , he had free time for shopping .

Saturday, May 10, 2014 : The group started from France, reached into the night , according to the roadmap , raining Sacco at 23.30 . The departure from France was the case with a little ' of sadness.

The students appreciated the opportunity that was given to them, they were able to weave friendships that hopefully can be maintained in the future despite the distance ; certainly have understood the advantages such as greater familiarity with the language and a pleasant rely on their ability to adapt to life away from their families of origin.