lunedì 28 aprile 2014

Some recommendations

Dear all, soon you will be packing your luggage for your trip to Italy.
Please read the recommendations to all our guests in Piove di Sacco here.
We are looking forward to meet you!!!!!

domenica 13 aprile 2014

Musical activity

We would be delighted to have european students coming to Piove Di Sacco involved in a musical activity. The school music group will be peroforming some songs on 8th of May afternoon party and everybody is welcome to join in performing two songs: Amazing Grace and Kumabaya.

Parents meeting

On April 9th parents and school staff had a coordination meeting. Everybody is getting ready for the exchange. See pictures below.

martedì 8 aprile 2014

Countdown begins!!!

In one month our fellow students from other European countries will be here and we are looking forward to meet them!

Please check the draft schedule for the week in Italy.